TEDx LaRomana
Theme: Flow and Abundance | life as movement and shared prosperity
Marina Spadafora talks about her journey to Sustainability, the new luxury.
“We are excited to bring together a select group of 11 world class changemakers for an inspiring evening of sharing unique stories, experiences and ideas worth spreading at Altos de Chavón Amphitheater on October 23 2021.Under our unifying theme of FLOW AND ABUNDANCE: Life as Movement and Shared Prosperity, we invite you to join us on a unique journey of social mobility, transformation and exploration in personal and collective growth, learning about sustainable fashion, the challenges of repopulation coral reefs and reintroducing manatees in the wild, transforming the sargassum threat to profit, changing our communities through dance and art and how kids brains and potentials literally explode when exposed to hands on creative challenges with technology and robotics.” [from tedx events]
TEDx LaRomana
Theme: Flow and Abundance | life as movement and shared prosperity
Marina Spadafora talks about her journey to Sustainability, the new luxury.
“We are excited to bring together a select group of 11 world class changemakers for an inspiring evening of sharing unique stories, experiences and ideas worth spreading at Altos de Chavón Amphitheater on 23rd October 2021. Under our unifying theme of FLOW AND ABUNDANCE: Life as Movement and Shared Prosperity, we invite you to join us on a unique journey of social mobility, transformation and exploration in personal and collective growth, learning about sustainable fashion, the challenges of repopulation coral reefs and reintroducing manatees in the wild, transforming the sargassum threat to profit, changing our communities through dance and art and how kids brains and potentials literally explode when exposed to hands on creative challenges with technology and robotics.” [from tedx events]

Fashion with a mission
Marina Spadafora is a Fair Fashion ambassador, professor of ethical fashion, and has collaborated with an extensive range of popular brands. In this video, she carefully explains her wonderful project, ‘Fashion with a mission’, aiming to help the development of fashion within emerging countries.
Fashion with a mission brings together craftsmen and designers, connecting them with the right buyers, all in order to reshape a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry, discovering textiles and craftship from all over the world. Marina Spadafora is a Fair Fashion ambassador, a professor of ethical fashion, and has collaborated with extensive brands. Her work has always included a strong focus on social issues and ecology, believing that ethics and aesthetics can coincide. She aims to bring development to emerging countries through her platform “Fashion with a Mission”. Marina is the Italian coordinator of Fashion Revolution and, in 2015, received the United Nations Women Together Award. In 2020, she wrote the book “The revolution starts from your wardrobe”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. [from TEDx Talks]
Fashion with a mission
Marina Spadafora is a Fair Fashion ambassador, professor of ethical fashion, and has collaborated with an extensive range of popular brands. In this video, she carefully explains her wonderful project, ‘Fashion with a mission’, aiming to help the development of fashion within emerging countries.
Fashion with a mission brings together craftsmen and designers, connecting them with the right buyers, all in order to reshape a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry, discovering textiles and craftship from all over the world. Marina Spadafora is a Fair Fashion ambassador, a professor of ethical fashion, and has collaborated with extensive brands. Her work has always included a strong focus on social issues and ecology, believing that ethics and aesthetics can coincide. She aims to bring development to emerging countries through her platform “Fashion with a Mission”. Marina is the Italian coordinator of Fashion Revolution and, in 2015, received the United Nations Women Together Award. In 2020, she wrote the book “The revolution starts from your wardrobe”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. [from TEDx Talks]

TEDx Como
Ted Talk ” The power of the consumer”
Marina Spadafora addresses the issue of Sustainability in Fashion and how consumers can trigger the change towards a more responsible and ethical Fashion Industry.
Sustainable Fashion Designer Marina Spadafora is one of the most innovative protagonists in the world of fashion. In the nineties, her name was synonymous of sophisticated dresses and knitwear collection. Her experience was enriched by the collaboration with Ferragamo and Prada. The busy life in the fashion industry lead Marina to reflect deeply and put her creativity and knowhow at the service of good causes. Marina becomes a point of reference for eco-friendly products at the international level and promoter of ethical consumption in the fashion industry. Since 2010 she is director of the “Auteurs du Monde collection “of Altromercato. She collaborates with Franca Sozzani, editor of Vogue Italia, to promote African fashion designers and to push the Italian brands to produce in Africa, as it happened with “Pinko Bag for Ethiopia “ project. [from TEDx Talks]
TEDx Como
Ted Talk ” The power of the consumer”
Marina Spadafora addresses the issue of Sustainability in Fashion and how consumers can trigger the change towards a more responsible and ethical Fashion Industry.
Sustainable Fashion Designer Marina Spadafora is one of the most innovative protagonists in the world of fashion. In the nineties, her name was synonymous of sophisticated dresses and knitwear collection. Her experience was enriched by the collaboration with Ferragamo and Prada. The busy life in the fashion industry lead Marina to reflect deeply and put her creativity and knowhow at the service of good causes. Marina becomes a point of reference for eco-friendly products at the international level and promoter of ethical consumption in the fashion industry. Since 2010 she is director of the “Auteurs du Monde collection “of Altromercato. She collaborates with Franca Sozzani, editor of Vogue Italia, to promote African fashion designers and to push the Italian brands to produce in Africa, as it happened with “Pinko Bag for Ethiopia “ project. [from TEDx Talks]